Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Bootcamp WOD 8-20-08

20 - Rows

15 - DB Tri. Extensions

40 - Skips (Jumprope)

20 - Swims

15 - DB Kickbacks

1 X "The Lines" S/B

20 - Band Pulldowns

15 - 1 L Dips

30 - Crunches

Jog F/B

Monday, August 18, 2008

BOOTCAMP W.O.D 8-18-08

15 - DB Thrusters
16 - 1-Leg DB Curls
1 X "The Lines"


12 - Pushup w/ rotation
15 - Alternating DB Punches
15 - Second balance


12 - Front Raises
14 - Lateral Lunges
15 - MB Rotations

Saturday, August 16, 2008

FREE Boot Camp Today!

We had a really awesome turnout today at our FREE
fitness boot camp class!

I want to say thanks to everyone who brought somebody
and thank you to the Vets who went back-to-back with
boot camp!

THANKS EVERYBODY and I hope everyone had fun!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bootcamp Baseball 8-13-08

15 Bent-Over Rows
15 BW Squats
10 Plank-To-Push-Up

15 Db Swings
16 Alt. BW Lunges
16 Alt. Knee Tucks


1st Base: 10 Pushups
2nd Base: 20 Jumping Jacks
3rd Base: 10 BW Squats
Home Plate: 20 Crunches

Monday, August 11, 2008


I stayed up late last night watching the Olympics and I must say I was impressed. I saw Team USA medal in almost all of the swimming events. Not to mention I saw one of the greatest come backs in 4 x 100m relay history.

Of course Mr. Michael Phelps was a part of it, the guy is a stud. Not only because he has already won two gold medals, but because of the hard work he puts into his training. He has achieved a level of fitness that not too many have been at. I heard the commentator say that the reason Michael is projected to win 8 gold medals this Olympics is because he "started lifting weights." Resistance training, along with nutrition, create the strongest, most powerful athletes. THE ULTIMATE ATHLETES.

Now it's time to be the ULTIMATE YOU, so train hard, eat right and you'll get there.

Here's the workout...

12 T-Pushups
15 DB Curls
30 Skips

12 Alt. Sh. Press
15 Alt. Band Curls
2 X "The Ladder"

12 Lat. DB Raise
15 High Tube Rows
10 Supermans

Thursday, August 7, 2008

BOOTCAMP W.O.D. 8-7-08

Stairs, stairs, stairs...

30 Jumping Jacks
Your Max Pushups
30 crunches
20 Second Regular Plank
20 Pike Ups
30 Jumping Jacks

15 Second Side Plank
2 X "The Stairs"

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

BOOTCAMP W.O.D. 8-6-08

20 Band Rows
15 MB Squats
4 X "The Rings"

BO DB Rows
16 Alternating Lunges
30 Half Jumping Jacks

20 High Rows
16 MB Lateral Lunge
Jog Forward/Backward

Monday, August 4, 2008

1st Day of August Bootcamp

Great Job today Ladies!!!

I'd like to publicly welcome new boot campers...
  • Alisa Davis

  • Diane Davis

  • Pim Jelinek

  • Gwen Wurm

  • Danielle Craycroft

  • Mary Kerr

  • Fabby Benitez


Here's today's workout...

12 Pushups
15 DB Curls
30 Jumping Jacks

12 Dips
15 Tube Curls
15 BW Squats


15 DB Shoulder Press
20 Second Plank
20 Crunches


Static Stretching :)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Simple Message For You

I hear from a lot of folks who had a bad "diet weekend", or their workout didn't go as planned...and even from folks who are struggling to get going...

So I just wanted to say...

"Keep on trying to do a little better every day. Always try to be better than yesterday. Take that attitude, and give it the best you got!

And if you had a bad day yesterday, kick it to the curb and stay strong! Today is another chance for you to show the world who's boss.

I know you can do it!"

Here's to starting a new healthy habit today,

Mark Mancilla, CPT
Owner, Max Body Fitness

PS - Don't Wait!Whatever positive change you want to make in your life, start TODAY! Whether it is looking for a new job, repairing a relationship, eating better, or starting an exercise program, there is no better time to start than right now. Good luck and let me know how things turn out. :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Bootcamp W.O.D. 7-21-08

Good workout today ladies...

1. 6-12 Pushups
2. 15 band Curls
3. "The Tires'

1. DB Arnold Press
2. 30 second plank
3. Scissor Agility Drill

1. Band Press/Flys
2. 12 "Basketball" Shots
3. 40 Skips (Jump Rope)

P.S. Bringing a camera every day to camp so be expecting some pictures on the blog. Thanks ladies. :)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The "CARA" Boot Camp Workout

Here it is...

1. 20 Band Rows
2. Medicine Ball Squat To Push
3. Ladder Drill 2X

1. 15 High Band Rows
2. 8 Red Disc Squats
3. 25 Jumprope Skips

1. 20 Band Lat Pull Downs
2. 12 Step-Ups
3. Ladder Shuffle

Good Job Today!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Part 2 - Making Movie Magic

So you haven't eaten in about three hours and your next stop is the movie theatre. It's no surprise, that there's not too many 'healthy' food choices at the movie theater but here's a couple options that you may have tried in the past.

A) A small popcorn, hold the butter, Goobers and an iced tea
B) A jumbo hot dog and a Diet Coke
C) Combo #1: a Large popcorn with butter, candy of your choice (red vines, duh) and a cherry Icee.

Okay, so maybe choice C really hasn't been your choice since you were 11. And don't be fooled by A. Yes popcorn is a whole grain, but it is high on the glycemic index. That means it's a faster digesting carb and eating it can cause insulin spikes, which increase fat storage.

While the peanuts in goobers do contain protein, the candy is just way to full of fat and carbs to a reasonable choice, even in an emergency situation.

Instead, go with option B. Ignore the bun, pick up a couple of packets of mustard and you're good to go. Hot dogs are a fairly good source of protein, and even though they are high in fat, they are relatively low in carbohydrates. Besides all you need is a little protein to get you through the next hour and a half until you can eat a big leafy salad and chicken breast for dinner. So the answer is B.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Four Alarm Foods - Part 1 - The Convenience Store

There's going to be a lot of instances when you're forced to make choices outside of your regular "healthy diet." You're not going to be anywhere near a chicken breast or brown rice and veggies. What do you do? Well, here's part 1 of a part 5 series where I'm going to discuss your healthiest options.

What could be simpler than running into the am/pm or 7 Eleven. You're on your way to a doctor's appointment or to drop the kids off at practive and you need a quick snack. Which one of these would you pick?

A) Jack Link's Beef jerky and a small bag or Corn Nuts
B) Nachos and a blueberry muffin
C) A bean and beef burrito

With option B, the neon-orange "cheese" on those nachos could come from a hot vat that hasn't been cleaned in weeks. Along with that you get a blueberry muffin equipped with 710 calories, a very low 10 grams of protein, 85 grams of carbs and 36 grams of fat.

With the beef and bean burrito, it may seem like a well-rounded meal. But guess what? It's overloaded with carbs (37 gram), and although it's only 9 grams of fat, it only has 15 grams of protein in which you'd want to eat almost 2 to make it a good protein source. But with that you'd have to eat twice the fat (18 GRAMS!)

Stick with low fat (2 grams), high protein (28 grams) beef jerkey and a small bad (1.7 oz) bag of corn nuts, which boasts 20 grams of slow digesting carbs (corn is fairly low on the glycemic index) and just 5 grams of fat. So the answer is A.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Bootcamp W.O.D. "The Circuit 2"

Another phenomenal job by you ladies. Today's workout
was quick and to the point. Here's the Workout of the Day (W.O.D)

  1. 10 BW Squats on Discs
  2. 10 Incline Pushups
  3. "The Tires" X 5
  4. 50 jumpropes
  5. 16 DB Thrusters
  6. High Tube Row
  7. 30 Jumping Jacks
  8. 10 "Basketball Shots"
  9. Jog/Backpedal

Cardio Workout:

Intervals : Run 10 seconds, jog 15 seconds X 8


See you Sunday for Weigh In

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Top Snacks For Fat Loss

As a Max Body Fitness client you know we preach eating
every three hours and that you should eat three larger
meals accompanied with 2-3 snacks in between meals.

Why do we do this?

We're fueling the fire. Our Metabolism (the mechanism
in your body that burns calories) needs to be well fed.
Like a fire, the more wood we put it, the bigger it gets
and the more it burns.Your metabolism is the same way.
The more often we eat the faster it gets and therefore the
more calories we're going to burn.

Here's Some Great Snack Options for the mid-morning,
mid-afternoon, and before-bed (if needed).

  • Protein Drink and Any Piece of Fruit (Post-Workout)
  • Apple (or Pear) w/ a handful of Almonds
  • Apple (or Pear) w/ cottage cheese
  • Dannon Light n' Fit Yogurt w/ Almonds
  • Protein Smoothie (1 Scoop Protein, 1 cup Milk, 1 Cup Water and 1 cup Any Fruit)
  • Zone Bar (or Pure Protein, or Detour Brand)


  • Protein drink and Almonds
  • Cottage Cheese and Celery
  • Dannon Yogurt and baby Carrots
  • Veggie Bag (Cut Celery, bell peppers, tomatoes)
  • Zone Bar (or Pure Protein, or Detour Brand)

Before Bed (IF NEEDED)

  • Protein Drink
  • Cottage Cheese and Black, Blue, or Raspberries
  • Veggie Bag (Cut Celery, bell peppers, tomatoes)

Ideally, we want to stay away from having too much sugar or fats before bed so we're simply going to stick to protein or fiber sources.

If you have any questions, email me at mark@hbpersonaltrainer.com

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Bootcamp W.O.D. SUPER Leg Workout

This workout is the winner of the Max Body
"Hardest Individual Workout" Award as voted
by the Boot Campers Associtation. :)

You ladies kicked butt today!

___________ ROUND 1 ______________
  • 15 Resistance Tube Squats
  • 2 X "The Stairs"
  • 14 Alternating Lunges
  • 12 Pushup w/ rotation

____________ROUND 2 ______________

  • 15 Resistance Tube Rotations
  • 1 X "The Stairs'
  • 10 Jump Squats
  • "The Backpedal"

____________CARDIO _______________


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Bootcamp W.O.D. "THE CIRCUIT"

Awesome Job Today Ladies!

Here's Today's Workout...

20 Seconds "ON" 10 seconds "OFF"

  1. Exercise Band Squats
  2. Push-Ups
  3. "Basketball Shoot"
  4. Plank
  5. Kettlebell Swings
  6. 50 Jumps (rope)
  7. DB Lateral Raise
  8. 'The Rings"
  9. Red Disc Balance

P.S. Working on you MANUALS I'll get them to soon! :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bootcamp WOD 6-25-08

Good Work Today Ladies (as Always)


10 recline pulls (tough)
20 Band Overhead Extensions
50 Jumprope

15 alternating band curl
4 round of "tires"
15 tube kickbacks

Perimeter (w/Stairs)
Side Plank - 1 Pushup- Side Plank
12 Inclined Pushups

Hope you all got the recipes I sent. :)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Bootcamp W.O.D. 6-20-08

Strictly Bodyweight

5 ES Pushup to Plank (Nancies)
2 rounds of Stairs
12 BW Bench Dips

15 sec. side plank
30 jumping Jacks

30 Secong Pushup Position
Stairs (Lateral)
6 E.S. Pushup w/ Rotation

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Are You Getting Enough Vitamins and Minerals?

The Answer is probably NO!

Maybe you take a Centrum once a day, but guesst what? Those
are just synthetic (man-made) vitamins and usually don't include
minerals, which work together with vitamins to make sure you're
getting all the micro-nutrients you need for optimum performance.

You want to put as much effort as you can towards your workouts,
right? Right! The more effort, the more calories burned, the closer
you get to achieving your goals.

What do I recommend...

Nature's Fuel by Nu-Tek

It's seriously a super supplement as it has all the vitamins AND
minerals you'll need along with amino-acids, anti-oxidants, a greens
formula providing you with more energy, and supercharging your
natural, healthy metabolsim.

You can get Nature's Fuel at the local Huntington Beach Nutrishop
at Brookhurst and Adams in the Ralphs parking lot. Ask for Jim. :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dealing With Late Night Cravings

When trying to make a dramatic change in your body and your lifestyle one of the biggest issues that stands in the way is old habits. One of those habits is late night snacking. People usually get these cravings because of a couple different reasons...

#1. Not eating enough throughout the day. Are you eating all of your proteins, whole grain carbs, fruits and vegetables. Making sure you are getting the right kinds of nutrients at the right times during the day. Remember Eat Every 3 Hours!

#2. Out of Habit. You probably already have a habit of eating late at night and so your body craves these foods (usually carbs) because it's used to them. Eating late can really take it's toll on your weight loss goals unless you know what to eat.

But if you can't resist and you're eating all the right foods here's what you need to do.
  1. Get rid of any foods (chips, ice cream, crackers, or other junk) you have in the house. I'm sure your family will understand.
  2. Get some healthy alternatives.
  • Flaxseed Chips (1 Serving is about 10 chips) w/ Salsa
  • Light Butter Popcorn (Small Individual Bags)
  • Turkey (or Beef) Jerkey (1 Serving)
  • Dannon Light & Fit Yogurt (1 Cup) w/ raspberries
  • Low-Fat (non-fat) cottage cheese (1 Cup) w/ blackberried

Ideally want to stay away from eating too much carbs or fat before bed because those to Macronutrients convert to fat and is stored in your body.

Like I said, make sure yu're following a balanced meal plan and eating all the right and I promise you you'll see amazing results!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bootcamp W.O.D. 6-18-08

8 Recline Pull
15 BW Squats
40 Jumprope

20 Band Rows
12 BW Dips
4 X The "Tires"

12 High Rows
15 Tricep Tube Extensions
6 Each Side Step-Ups


P.S. Having snacking issues, I'm going to write
a blog tomorrow on this topic so stay tuned!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Bootcamp W.O.D. 6-16-08

15 BW Overhead Squats
15 DB Shoulder Press
1 Perimeter

16 BW Reverse Lunges
16 Front Raises
200m Lateral Run (L,R)

10 Jumping Squats
10 Lateral Raises
200 m forward, backwards


P.S. I'd like to congratulate Nancy Tone for losing
Over 5 pounds her very First Week!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Healthy Turkey Chili (3-4 Servings)

1 lb ground turkey
1 can black (or pinto) beans
1 cup chopped onions
1 can diced green chilies
1 can diced tomatoes
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 cloves garlic
4 tablespoons chili powder (to your taste)
Pinch of salt & pepper

Brown ground turkey in olive oil until brown, add onions and cook until soft. Add garlic, salt, pepper and chili powder, mix well, add chopped chilies, diced tomatoes, beans and simmer for about 30-45 minutes on low.


· If making for your family make sure to leave at least one serving (about 1-1.5 cups) for lunch the next day
· Make sure when using the can of beans use all of its contents otherwise it will be too dry!
· Kind of a salty dish so make sure to drink a lot of water with it

Monday, June 2, 2008

Bootcamp WOD 6-2-08

Great Workout Today Ladies!!! :)

5 Minute Walk/Jog
Chopper Protocol

3 Rounds Each...

12-BW Squats
20 Second Plank

12- BW Dips
6 E.S.- BW Lunges
30 Jumping Jacks

4 E.S.- Plank To Pushup
8- BW Jump Squats
1-Minute Jog/Walk/Shuffles Combo

Friday, May 9, 2008




15- dumbbell swings
15- shoulder press w/ kettlebell
10 E.S. - Stability Ball Opposite Extensions

10- pushups
8 E.S.- BW lunges
10- jump squats

30 sec- jumprope
8 E.S.- Plank to Pushup



Friday, May 2, 2008

April's Big Losers

Been a while since I posted up on the blog but I wanted to give a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to the following clients who are big losers this month...

- Christy M. - Lost 7 pounds this month!

- Kathi H. - Lost 9 pounds this month!

- Julie S. - Lost 11.5 pounds this month!

Congrats to April's Big Losers! Keep up the good work!

P.S. I'm going to post some mini workout videos and healthy recipes soon so check back within the next couple days! :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Today's Group Training Workout

Great Job Today Ladies

1. Bent-Over-Row
2. High Shoulder Row
3. Triceps Press down w/rope

1. Lat Pull down
2. Kickbacks
3. 30 second plank

1. Seated Row
2. Overhead Extension
3. Step-Ups

Want to get in on the action? Visit HBPersonalTrainer.com

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Our Bootcamp Workout 02-06-08

Great workout today bootcampers!

Active Warm-up

1. 30 jumping jacks
2. 15 bw squats
3. 15 military presses

Workout (30 seconds each station)

1. DB Squat to Press
2. High Row w/ bands
3. Lateral sprints (C2C)

1. DB Swing
2. Band Curls
3. Step-ups

Up the stairs:
1. BW Lunges
2. Band Squats
3. Jump Squats
4. Jog

Full Body Stretch

Want to get in on the action: Visit HBPersonalTrainer.com

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

10-Minute Workout

Here is a quick 10-minute workout that you can do anywhere. No equipment necessary and no gym required. It doesn’t take a lot of time and is very effective for fat loss which will help you with getting a flat stomach and six-pack abs. This workout will work your entire body - upper body, lower body, your abs, and will really get your heart rate up. You should do a proper warm up first.

The workout consists of 4 exercises - squat thrust, squats, push ups and jumping lunges. You’ll do 60 seconds of each exercise, then 45 seconds of each, then 30 seconds of each, and finally 15 seconds of each exercise for a total of 10 minutes.

So the routine looks like this:

60 seconds of squat thrusts
60 seconds of squats
60 seconds of push ups
60 seconds of jumping lunges (or lunges)
45 seconds of squat thrusts
45 seconds of squats
45 seconds of push ups
45 seconds of jumping lunges (or lunges)
30 seconds of squat thrusts
30 seconds of squats
30 seconds of push ups
30 seconds of jumping lunges (or lunges)
15 seconds of squat thrusts
15 seconds of squats
15 seconds of push ups
15 seconds of jumping lunges (or lunges)

Check it out in the video below. Good luck with it and I would love to hear your comments after your try it.