Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Simple Message For You

I hear from a lot of folks who had a bad "diet weekend", or their workout didn't go as planned...and even from folks who are struggling to get going...

So I just wanted to say...

"Keep on trying to do a little better every day. Always try to be better than yesterday. Take that attitude, and give it the best you got!

And if you had a bad day yesterday, kick it to the curb and stay strong! Today is another chance for you to show the world who's boss.

I know you can do it!"

Here's to starting a new healthy habit today,

Mark Mancilla, CPT
Owner, Max Body Fitness

PS - Don't Wait!Whatever positive change you want to make in your life, start TODAY! Whether it is looking for a new job, repairing a relationship, eating better, or starting an exercise program, there is no better time to start than right now. Good luck and let me know how things turn out. :)