Monday, August 11, 2008


I stayed up late last night watching the Olympics and I must say I was impressed. I saw Team USA medal in almost all of the swimming events. Not to mention I saw one of the greatest come backs in 4 x 100m relay history.

Of course Mr. Michael Phelps was a part of it, the guy is a stud. Not only because he has already won two gold medals, but because of the hard work he puts into his training. He has achieved a level of fitness that not too many have been at. I heard the commentator say that the reason Michael is projected to win 8 gold medals this Olympics is because he "started lifting weights." Resistance training, along with nutrition, create the strongest, most powerful athletes. THE ULTIMATE ATHLETES.

Now it's time to be the ULTIMATE YOU, so train hard, eat right and you'll get there.

Here's the workout...

12 T-Pushups
15 DB Curls
30 Skips

12 Alt. Sh. Press
15 Alt. Band Curls
2 X "The Ladder"

12 Lat. DB Raise
15 High Tube Rows
10 Supermans